Wednesday, January 22, 2025 - THS Baltimore opening 2 hours late.  THS Annapolis opening normal time.  Updates will post as available.


The academic program is an individualized competency-based curriculum. The student’s strengths are emphasized while needs are being addressed. Each student has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that is updated annually. In addition, each student receives quarterly academic and IEP progress reviews.


A competency-based curriculum mirrors the nature of today’s world. Our age is one of ever-increasing and changing information and technology. A scientific truth today may not be a truth in a year. A technology skill needed for employment this month may be outdated in two years. Students learn that learning never ends and that they have the tools to keep learning throughout their lives.

The curriculum is aligned with Maryland State Standards. However, with the competency-based program students show their understanding through performance assessments rather than traditional tests. They earn grades of Honors, Pass, or Incomplete.

Publicly funded students are prepared to take the required state assessments, including PARCC, MSA Science, HSA Biology, HSA Government, and NCSC.

Lower School

A solid foundation in social and academic skills is the goal of the lower school. Academic success gives children the willingness to try more difficult learning tasks in the years ahead. The ability to respect oneself, to get along with peers and adults, and to have confidence in one’s abilities is critical in these young years. Young children need opportunities to experience success, not only as learners, but also as people.

Lower School

Our Program

The academic program for the lower school students includes reading and literature, math, science, social studies, and wellness. Additionally, art, performing arts (music, drama, dance), and recreation education balance the program.

Our Staff

The lower school team has a low pupil/staff ratio. A social worker or psychologist is assigned to the team. Occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech/language pathologists are also available as resources to staff, as well as direct service providers to meet the students’ needs as necessary.

Middle School

Making the transition from childhood to adolescence, academically and socially, is the goal of our middle school program. In the middle school, academic demands increase. Our small classes help students accept themselves, their differences, and the differences of others. Providing a broad range of experiences, the middle school prepares students for high school by helping them learn to make informed choices, understand the consequences of those choices, and accepting responsibility for choices and behavior.

Middle School


Our Program


The academic program for middle school students includes reading and literature, math, science, social studies, and wellness. Additionally, art, performing arts (music, drama, dance), and recreation education balance the program.

Preparation for High School

In the last year of middle school, students, parents, and school staff make plans for a student’s high school program. Review of the student’s achievements in both academic and social endeavors helps determine the team’s recommendation. Eighth graders participate in a Career and Research Development class to begin their transition into high school.

Our Staff

The middle school team has a low pupil/staff ratio. A social worker or psychologist is assigned to the team. Occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech/language pathologists are also available as resources to staff, as well as direct service providers to meet the students’ needs as necessary.

High School

Preparing students for life after high school is the goal of the high school program. This preparation includes academic skills, social/emotional behaviors and transition to employment or college. We want our students to maintain personal relationships, enjoy satisfying work, and maintain good physical and mental health, as well as have the necessary academic skills for a fulfilling life.


Our Program

The Harbour School offers courses in all subject areas required for graduation. Students complete coursework in English, math (including higher maths), science, social studies, technology, wellness, cultural arts, recreation education, and career development. Students also participate in transition activities at our career center and out in the community.

Our Academies

The academies are designed to offer challenging and engaging opportunities, both in and out of the classroom, for students in the fields of performing arts, recreation education/health, and technology. These academies encourage students to become more critical and creative thinkers as well as “risk-takers.” Participating students will learn leadership skills and project management skills.

Our Staff

The high school team is staffed at a low pupil/staff ratio. Clinical staff members are also assigned to the team. Vocational assistants, transition specialists and job coaches prepare our students for the post high school move to work or college. Occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech/language pathologists are also available as resources to staff, as well as direct service providers to meet the students’ needs as necessary.